In June 2019, I got the opportunity to be part of Animal Factory’s team. It all started when the Sonic Prism, a pedal that I had bought from Animal Factory, died. The links below talk about my journey into the dirty world of fuzz and distortion and my experience at Animal Factory building my own custom pedals.
Learning about Fuzz
A broken fuzz pedal forced me to learn about the inner workings of guitars in the first place. Inspired by AFA’s Ozymandias pedals, I spent time learning about clipping and fuzz with a FoxTone machine. I then quickly soldered up the PCBs and outer hardware to finish a functional fuzz pedal which I ended up taking home myself.
I decided to spend my remaining time learning about distortion and how to add grit to a signal. Oumuamua was designed to be an overdrive and distortion pedal that could switch the order in which the effects were applied with the press of a button. FuzzDog had some ready circuits that we used to start out. We also worked on adding an Ampeguator to switch between a 9V and 18V input. I spent a lot of time on the artwork for the outside and finished up the build the same month, marking the end of my time at AFA.