Our Approach:
We started with an inductive approach to showing that diagonal Ramsey Numbers are even on 2 colors. For R(k,k) = n, we have a configuration of n-1 connected vertices without any k-cliques of either color.
Starting from this configuration on n-1 vertices (called a draw state as no color has formed a clique), we add a singular connected vertex v and fill in the n-1 new edges connecting v to the previous n-1 vertices with different colors. Since R(k,k) = n, we can use pidgeonhole arguments on the newly added edges to provide insight into how and why a k-clique must form on a bi-edge-colored n-clique.
Showing R(k,k) is even:
We start with some even number m for which an m-clique has a draw state. We can then add a vertex and connect m new edges while attempting to maintain the draw state. If this is shown to be true, then the largest draw state must be odd, meaning that the Ramsey Number R(k,k) must be even.
Tianbo's approach:
Tianbo's thesis outlines how he built a neural network to fill in the new edges to find a "drawing strategy", which is key in finding out why the k-clique must form on n conneted vertices. I recommend reaching out to him here for more details if you are interested.
Exploring the bounds on Diagonal Ramsey Numbers using Combinatorics and Machine Learning with Tianbo Yang.
In 2023, while learning some Topological Data Analysis from Dr. Soheil Anbouhi, I was struck by a flurry of ideas on approaching the Ramsey Theory problem to improve the bounds on R(5,5). So, I set out to find a partner mathematician whose strengths complemented mine.
Tianbo Yang and I started working on the Ramsey Party Problem using Machine Learning and Combinatorial techniques respectively. We started by attempting to show that Diagonal Ramsey numbers are even, and Tianbo continued his work with the CS department to eventually write his thesis (linked above) on the subject. Tianbo will continue the project this summer while working towards his masters in Data Science at The University of Pennsylvania.